Allen “Al” Briesemeister – son of Nan Briesemeister
Aaron Earl - husband of Trudi Dixon's friend
Allen Wayne Tubb - relative of Maurice Ellis
Allie Moore – friend of Barbara Morie
Anna McIlwain – niece of Elizabeth Stallworth
Ann Marie Bryant - sister-in-law of Dianne Gilbert
Arnie Andersen – father of Tim Ritter
Audrey Clement – sister-in-law of Jerry Clement
Becky Hamilton - friend of Tuesday Morning Dominoes
Ben Esquibel – per Robert Weathersby
Bobbie Rhoten - cousin of Gracie Harbison
Candace Graham – per Maurice Ellis
Carson Tubb - grandson of Carol and Tony Mello
Chris Lee – son of Wally Lee
Chris Lynn - nephew of Kim Crocker
Claudia Hawkins – friend of Marilyn Vlahos
Cooper Boyd and Family – Friend of Wayne and Wendy Currie
Darren Alexander - brother-in-law of Ronnie Crocker
David Boyd - son of Jeanne Bull
Debbie Barron – friend of Jerry and Charlotte Clement
Delores Carter - friend of Cathy Morie
Don & Mary Ann Foster – brother & sister-in-law of Carol Woodson
Doug Bull – brother of Jeane Bull
Drew Fell - friend of Winfred & Mickey Morie
Eden Dew – infant son of Andrew and Courtney Culpeppers’ friends.
E. L. Switzer - friend of Winfred Morie
Emma LeBlanc - friend of Beth Chapuis
Family of W. L. Buckingham – father of Cheryl Greer
Freda Moe - friend of Marjorie Wales
Gayla Crowley - mother of Ashley Hilsabeck
George Harper - friend of David McCormick
Glen Harbison – brother of Don Harbison
Glen Pruitt - friend of Jeane Bull
Harriet Cobb - mother of Deborah Felts
Jackie Raffield - friend of Don & Gracie Harbison
Jamie Alford - neighbor of Jeane Bull
Jim and Irene Mays - friends of Linda Cole
Jimmy Messer - husband of Lisa Messer and brother of Steve Messer
Jody Guy - nephew of Barbara Moss
Larry Gillum - cousin of Gracie Harbison
Larry Locke – Son of Sandra Locke
Laura McCool - friend of Heather Wiggins
Lindsey Cooley - friend of Winfred Morie & Suzanne Ros
Lindsey Moss Wideman - granddaughter of Barbara & Art Moss
Lisa Charlton - friend of Donna Lewis
Luke Eversull - relative of Linda Wiggins
Marcia Byars Willett – friend of Marilyn Vlahos
Mary Bet Evans - mother of Melissa Davis
Mary Carroll Brooks - sister of Melissa Davis
Michael & Ann Donna Locke – son & daughter-in-law of Sandra Locke
Mike Gournay – father of Beth Chapuis’ friend
Mike Jackson - Lisa Messer's Son-In-Law's Father
Mike VanDyke - friend of Linda Cole
Nancy Coon – friend of Pat Fulgham
Nick Hope - friend of Michael Bryant
Roxanne Burrows – friend of Maurice Ellis
Sandi Wright - friend of Dianne Gilbert
Sawyer Wright – son of Linda Wiggins’ friend Susan Wright
Skev Karovokiro – son of Beth’s co-worker
Stephanie Chapuis - sister-in-law of Brian and Beth Chapuis
Steve Wood - friend of Heather Wiggins
Sue Overby - friend of Margie Wales
Susan Ezell – friend of Marilyn Vlahos
Tammy Barnett – relative of Richard & Cheryl Greer
Tena Nelson - grandmother of Denise Mayhair
Tim Spiriti – friend of Trudi Dixon
Trent Hartzog - friend of Beth Chapuis
Una Colville - friend of Marie Singleton
Vicki Pentecost - friend of Winfred Morie
Wally Lee - Beth Chapuis' step-father