Eastlawn United Methodist Church

If you can't worship with us in person, join us on our Facebook page each Sunday morning at 11:00 A.M.  Scroll down to  section below for more details on each Sunday morning service.  Also, a video of our service will be available on this website “Media” link each Sunday afternoon. 

Today's Mini-Devotion

Bible Verse Of The Day:    “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me—  just as the Father knows me and I know the Father —and I lay down my life for the sheep."   John 10:14-15   NIV 

Quote of the Day:  "Christian, today, instead of taking inventory of your needs and challenges or tallying up all of your sins and failures, remember who your God is and rest easy in the immeasurable, unknowable, incalculable love and care of the Lord.” – Rev. Nance Hixon

Today’s Chuckle:   

Customer:    I can’t get on the internet.

Tech Support:   Are you sure you used the correct password?

Customer:    Yes, I’m sure, I watched as my husband entered it.

Tech Support:   Can you tell me what the password was that your husband used?Customer:    Yes, it was five dots

One Liner:  My wife said she was leaving me because of my obsession with being a tailor. I said, “Fine suit yourself.”

Over 80 Years of God's Service

In 2018 we celebrated our 75th Anniversary.  Being less than one mile from the Gulf of Mexico, over the years Eastlawn has survived several major hurricanes including, Camille, Fredrick, Elena, George and Katrina. To read the history of Eastlawn United Methodist Church, click here or click on image.....