Eastlawn United Methodist Church

If you can't worship with us in person, join us on our Facebook page each Sunday morning at 11:00 A.M.  Scroll down to  section below for more details on each Sunday morning service.  Also, a video of our service will be available on this website “Media” link each Sunday afternoon. 

Today's Mini-Devotion

Bible Verse Of The Day:   Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good;  love one another with brotherly affection; outdo one another in showing honor.  Never flag in zeal, be aglow with the Spirit, serve the Lord.  Rejoice in your hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.  Romans 12: 9-12

Quote Of The Day:   "Be not so positive; especially with regard to things which are neither easy nor necessary to be determined." - John Wesley

Today’s Chuckle:  A bar opened near a church and the church prayed daily against the business. Several days later the bar was struck by lightning and burned to ashes. Then the bar owner sued the church’s minister because he had said the fire was God’s answer to their prayers. In court the church denied all responsibility.  The judge deciding the case commented, “It’s difficult to decide this case because we have a bar owner who believes in the power of prayer and an entire church that doesn’t believe in it”.  

One Liner:     All I really do is work, come home, blink then I’m right back at work again.

Homecoming Sunday

This Sunday (October 27)  is Homecoming Sunday!  There will be lunch following the service in the Ministry Center. This year we will be joined by Bishop Sharma D. Lewis. For more of  Bishop Lewis life’s events and accomplishments: Click Here

An Opportunity To Purchase Your Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes Online

Help Us Reach Our Goal

Let's See if we can surpass our November 10th goal together.

Create a shoebox online and contribute to our mission.

To create a shoebox on line Click here or on the shoebox image or you scan the code below:


Again, this year Robert Weathersby is selling pecans as a Men’s Club fundraiser. Order forms are in the foyer or you can download a printable copy by: Clicking Here

join us Sunday (October 13, 2024) For Our Sunday Morning  service In-Person Or on our Facebook Page "Eastlawn United Methodist Church"  at 11:00 A.M

Scripture Lesson: Job 38:1-7; 34-41  

This Week's Message: Job III: The Lord Spoke

Message By: Rev. Nance Hixon

For A Printable Copy Of The Bulletin In PDF Format: Click Here

For A Printable Copy Of This Week's Prayer List: Click Here

For A Printable Copy of October's Birthdays & Anniversaries: Click Here

For A Printable Copy of November's Birthdays & Anniversaries: Click Here

Over 80 Years of God's Service

In 2018 we celebrated our 75th Anniversary.  Being less than one mile from the Gulf of Mexico, over the years Eastlawn has survived several major hurricanes including, Camille, Fredrick, Elena, George and Katrina. To read the history of Eastlawn United Methodist Church, click here or click on image.....